For decades BDG-CPAs and with years of PwC experience, recognizes and embraces internal controls as an essential ingredient to effective management for all organizations. This approach is equally applicable to small start-up businesses as SEC Registrants.
On a practicable basis BDG-CPAs services entail a continuous pursuit of recommendations for management to consider to further improve their internal controls.
All CPA Professional staff are trained to deliver internal control services on financial statement assurance and real time monthly check-in accounting services. Accounting processes are reviewed for internal control adequacy, presence, and functionality to promote greater effectiveness and efficiency.
COSO is by far the most recognized framework for internal controls. The gold standard. The cube and principles below are complex making most feel perplexed. BDG-CPAs is conversant in all aspects of COSO and has a self-developed approach that brings value to clients in a mutual quest for constant improvement. Designed to bring COSO into action to reduce risk and enhance long-term growth.
CLICK HERE to view BDG-CPAs in depth, practical approach to COSO Internal Controls as published on the CORPORATE COMPLIANCE INSIGHTS website. Note the links to aid a more in-depth understanding of COSO.

These principles are broad enough to apply to all sorts of business activities and they provide an excellent complement to other ethics initiatives, and are useful for public and private entities alike.
COSO: Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission. In 1985, COSO was formed to sponsor the National Commission on Fraudulent Financial Reporting.
In 1992, COSO published Internal Control – Integrated Framework, which was updated and reissued in May 2013. Learn more at